Friday, May 21, 2010

The Comeback

Welp, this morning I woke up pretty eartly and decided I would finally do that morning jog/walk that I've been putting off for weeks. I wanted to do this a while ago but, well, lets say when it comes to excersise I'm a huge flop artist.
Now, after I've returned from my walk I feel great. I tried running but my ankles and chins are strong enough for that. I was only able to run for about two minutes and then I had to give up. But I'm well on my way.

By no means is it easy. I gotta fight with myself mentally just to get up and put on my walking shoes. Dont even get me started when it's time to strength train. I literally sit on my bed looking myself in the mirror trying to garner the courage to pick up those 8lbs weights. But after I fight my way through it, I always feel good about myself and feel like I've accomplished something.

Isn't that a catch 22? You never want to put in the work, but after you do you feel so much better. Nothing in life worth having is easy. It's definately not going to be easy loosing this 100lbs. It's definately not going to be easy getting where I want to be in life, but I'm ready and willing to do the work.

I'm just going to take it one day at a time.

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