Sunday, March 28, 2010


I have not posted in a long time. And in an ackward way I've been avoiding my own blog. I guess a part of me didn't want to share anymore, or a part of me did it intentionally.

But I'm here now, and I'm going through a new change. So far the year has been pretty bland. I've been keeping talking with a new friend and gotten re-acquainted with an old one. I've finished school and am now job hunting. I've FINALLY decided on what I want to do with my life and it's going to require me going back to school in the new year or so, but I'm sooo ready. I'm grateful for getting this far in my journey.

I'm going to change up this blog abit. Instead of me trying to go out and find things to do so I can talk about it, I'm going to just do me. Meaning that I'm going to start doing all the things that I haven't done before or haven't done in a long time (I guess that's the same thing). I'm definately going to be blogging alot more since I have all the time in the world now to do so.
I'm making this blog my daily journal. A daily account of all the things I've set out to do or want to do.

I've started working out again, and starting tomorrow I'm going to use this blog to record my progress, which means I'll be posting photos during my progress. I'm also going to be blogging about my journey to long natural hair, lol, among other things.
So yea, you can say it's a REVAMP.

God Bless.

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